Birgit Timmer
Birgit Timmer is one of three founding partners as well as Executive Manager of SUSTAIN CONSULT, which was founded in 2001. Birgit Timmer’s occupational activity primarily deals with the branches of regenerative Energy Technology and Energy Industry, Water Industry, Waste Management and the Health Industry. Her work emphasizes on the development of regionally located industrial clusters, the moderation of collective initiatives, the coaching of regional political players as well as on the realization of regional political seminars.
Birgit Timmer graduated from the University of Dortmund in 1993 with a Degree in Spatial Planning. Succeeding a one-year period during which she acted as a free-lance consultant, she joined a Consulting Company in 1994 where she acted as Consultant and Project Manager in the fields of Economic Development and Cluster Management. Birgit Timmer is an accomplished and highly-skilled Project Manager, Moderator and Mediator.
Consulting Projects
E-Mail: timmer[at]
Tel.: +49 (0) 231 - 981 285 12
Mob.: +49 (0) 172 - 28 34 081
Selectively Chosen Projects:
- The Development and Implementation of a Communicational Strategy for the Flandersbach works of the Rheinkalk GmbH A participation-based ascer- tainment of communicational goals and instruments. Consultation and support of the realization of a wide range of communication instruments.
Contracting Body: Rheinkalk GmbH - Consultation and Moderation of the Branch Initiative Medical Technology in the Märkische Region, Monitoring and Coaching of Regional Industry Sponsors/Promoters in Cluster Management, Evaluation of Regional Branch Initiatives
Contracting Bodies: Organization for Economy and Structure Advancement in the Märkisch Region mbh (GWS-MK) and the Ennepe-Ruhr District Agency for Economic Stimulation and Development GmbH (En-Agentur) - Mobilization and Activation of Labor Unions and Work Committees in the Phase of Structural Transformation (GUBIS). Initiation and Moderation of Work Groups (Networking). The development of projects for designing structural modifications. The development and implementation of structural-political seminars including structural-political coaching.
Contracting Body: Federation of German Trade Unions, District North Rhine-Westphalia (DGB Bezirk NRW) - Development of Regional Economic Cooperation in the Chemical and Energy Industries of the Region Emscher-Lippe. To conduct an analysis of regional potential, and the ascertainment of development of a regional economic strategy collaborative with relevant players.
Sponsored by: Ministry for Economy and Medium-sized Business, Energy and Transport of North Rhine-Westphalia (MWMEV NRW) - Ascertainment of Future Occupational Qualification Fields of the Energy Region Emscher-Lippe. The implementation of an analysis on regional occupational qualification demands (discourse procedure) in the area of a decentralized Energy Supply and decentralized Technology. The development of occupational qualification measures.
Sponsored by: Ministry for Labor, Social Affairs and Urban Development, Culture and Sports of North Rhine-Westphalia (MASSKS NRW) - Moderation and Monitoring of the Cooperative Alliance for the Utilization and Recycling of Used Appliances in the Aachen Region. Consultation of strategies and implementation of regional utilization and recycling structures, the coaching of Labor Market Policy Actors and consultation concerning the foundation of social economic companies.
Sponsored by: The Ministry for Labor, Social Affairs and Urban Development, Culture and Sports of North Rhine-Westphalia (MASSKS NRW)
Selectively Chosen Publications:
Löckener, R / Timmer, B.: Sustainability and the Cement Industry. A documentation on contributions and courses of action [In German: Nachhaltigkeit und Zementindustrie. Dokumentation über Beiträge und Handlungsoptionen]. Düsseldorf, 2002
Kremer, U. / Löckener, R. / Timmer, B.: The Water Industry in an Upheaval – An Opportunity for the Ruhr Area [In German: Die Wasserwirtschaft im Umbruch Chance für das Ruhrgebiet]. Bochum, 2001
Timmer, B.: Solar Industry and Solar Technology New Opportunities for the Regional Economic Development of the Region Emscher-Lippe [In German: Solarwirtschaft und Solartechnik Neue Chancen für die regional- wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Region Emscher-Lippe]. Bochum, 2001
Timmer, B. / Mikfeld, B.: Fuel Cell Report Perspectives on the Fuel Cell Technology and Development Potential of the Ruhr Industry [In German: Brennstoffzellenreport Perspektiven der Brennstoffzellentechnologie und Ent- wicklungspotenziale der Ruhrwirtschaft]. Bochum, 2001
Timmer, B. / Golding, R. i.a.: Co operational Network of Electro(nic) Waste Recycling in the Aachen Region [In German: Kooperationsverbund Elektro(nik)schrott-Recycling in der Region Aachen]. Bottrop, 1999
Timmer, B. / Golding, R. i.a.: The Linkage between the Labor Market and Structured Politics from a Fundraising Perspective. [In German: Verknüpfung von Arbeitsmarkt- und Strukturpolitik aus fördertechnischer Sicht] Workshop documentation. Bottrop, 1999
Timmer, B.: Condensed Report: Hydrogen Technology and Fuel Cells [In German: Wasserstofftechnologie und Brennstoffzellen]. Bochum, 1998
Timmer, B. / Löckener, R.: The Paper Industry in the Düren District. Production and Paper Machine Construction and Felt Cloth Production [In German: Die Papierindustrie im Kreis Düren. Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Papier, Papiermaschinenbau, Filztuchproduktion]. Bochum, 1997
Timmer, B.: The Disposal of Electric and Electronic Old Appliances in the Ruhr Area [In German: Entsorgung von elektrischen und elektronischen Altgeräten im Ruhrgebiet]. Bochum, 1994
Timmer, B. / Molitor, B. / Plake, R.: The Industrial Location of the Industry in Ennepe-Ruhr, Hagen: Comments on the Regional Development Concepts and Examinations of Selected Problematic Branches [In German: Wirtschaftsstandort Ennepe- Ruhr, Hagen: Anmerkungen zu den regionalen Entwicklungskonzepten und Untersuchung ausgewählter Problembranchen]. Bochum, 1993